Automation and Robotics have been around for some time but only recently have they become more visible in our sector.​

As a business, we have embraced these changes and worked closely with our supply chain to gain a better understanding of the products and how we can take them to market. If you were to deploy any form of technology or innovation into an environment without fully understanding its capabilities you would soon encounter operational challenges and push back. Instead, we’ve taken the opportunity over the last 12 months to become experts in autonomous equipment and how to integrate it into the daily lives of existing workforce.

Our vision for Prologic is to make our frontline cleaning teams’ lives easier, improve standards by freeing up valuable human resource and reducing costs.

We have completed extensive trials with our client base to understand the benefits and challenges of this new version of clean. The results vary based on the environment and sector however with the technology now available we can confidently say that any contract can benefit from automating elements of their cleaning delivery.

Our Prologic offering includes a full range of cleaning machines that are capable of automating elements of every cleaning schedule.

The savings and benefits will vary depending on the environment, specification and current cleaning methodology, however we have worked with our existing client base and introduced this offer into a variety of sectors and the savings are averaging between 20% and 30%. This reduction can be kept as a financial saving or reinvested in the on site cleaning regime to achieve higher standards as we prepare to welcome colleagues back to the working environment.

As with any new solution or innovation there’s naturally a period of resistance from existing teams using traditional methods. Our approach is that these products are in place to support them in their roles, and prevent them from completing repetitive and time consuming tasks on a daily basis.

The data on this page illustrates a conventional cleaning operative’s daily output vs an operative working alongside our solution. This example is based on a 4 hour cleaning shift completed in a manufacturing/distribution environment. As you can see the there is a significant daily saving.

The tables on the next pages compare conventional cleaning costs and Prologic. We have provided example return on investment models for different cleaning environment and regimes. The ROI will differ depending on the current cleaning operation –essentially the longer your business is paying someone to complete manual tasks that could be automated the greater the opportunity to save money. Different sectors will bring different challenges and our team will work with you to fully understand your current operation before providing a bespoke ROI document for the specific site. The level of human intervention will vary greatly as well, in a warehouse for example the floor will still need to be pre-swept by the operative before the machine can start (see Example 3) compared to an office where the vacuums can be set off instantly with little or no human interaction.